Sunday, 2 October 2022

Blowing my own trumpet....not my favourite thing to do!

I must apologise for not posting as regularly as I had promised. A lot has happened over the last few weeks. I went back to the teaching day job, the Queen passed and I got Covid so it was all a bit much and I didn't feel like doing anything. Of course some of you will be thrilled to not be bothered by me for so long, unfortunately for you I am back to be my normal bothersome self again!

Having said that, I can't seem to shake my tiredness. I am writing this on my day off and it is all I can do to keep my eyes open at 1.30 in the afternoon! A nanna nap might be the ticket right now but not until I've finished this!

I think I mentioned this in a previous post, for the past 11 weeks I have been taking part in a challenge set by The Sing Space. Every week they choose a musical genre and give us 2 songs to choose from. We then record and upload one song to the challenge Facebook group. It's a way of updating your repertoire folder with specially cut versions of songs you could use whatever genre of musical/show/audition is required. There are 12 videos in total. Next week is the final week, Disney villains! I'm hoping for a bit of Ursula but we'll see.

I decided to take part because I have very few places or opportunities to sing for myself anymore. I have posted the videos to my Instagram @incompetentsoprano and I am also in the process of adding them to my YouTube channel. If you'd like to follow my YouTube channel just click here and subscribe.

In the meantime here is the first of my 16 Bar Challenge videos for your perusal. They aren't in the order I recorded them but thought I'd start with one of my faves, Before The Parade Passes By from Hello Dolly. Enjoy and come and follow me on Instagram and YouTube!

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