Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Let's mix things up a bit.

Just a quick post with a bit of info, particularly, for subscribers. Unfortunately the subscription service Google uses to allow you to subscribe to this blog and get your fix of the Incompetent Soprano without having to think about it (I rarely do) is closing down. Therefore if you wish to continue receiving these blog posts to your inbox please subscribe (or re-subscribe) via the link on the sidebar of the blog.

If you are receiving this via email you will need to visit my actual blog to subscribe. The Google subscription will cease to be a thing at the end of July.

If you choose to subscribe you will be subscribing to The Enlightened Singer which is an umbrella group for The Incompetent Singer, Sing Your Song and any other singing related emails you might be interested in. I will not bombard your inbox and you can unsubscribe at any point but you will receive all emails not just Incompetent Soprano emails.

I have had a rather "enlightened" couple of weeks actually so there is more stuff to come in the future. Therefore if you don't want to miss anything subscribe via the blog or visit and join the Facebook group by clicking the following link: The Enlightened Singer Facebook Group

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