If there were a Miss Congenialty award at auditions I would win it hands down at most of the auditions I go to. That said I did do one audition where I turned up 10 mins early for my audition and 10 mins after my audition should have started the panel decided to go for lunch, a quick lunch but nevertheless lunch, and when they returned I went in and sang 3 lines from one of the two songs they asked me to prepare and promptly said "thank you, that's all we need today" to which I replied "you realise I was just about to do the really good bit?". I was less than congenial on that occasion. For the most part, however, I think I lack that killer instinct when I go to auditions these days. It's not that I don't want to get the jobs I go for, I really do, but I really want everyone to do well at their auditions even if it means I miss out.
I wonder if this is a result of my taking on so much teaching right now. I seem to be in a constant state of encouragement and this must spill over into my own professional life. As a teacher I pride myself on the fact that I am good at confidence building. I don't lie and tell people they will be the next Beyoncé or owt but I try not to knock them down or kill their dreams. That said I have made a few students cry, not through being mean, but by calling them out when they are lazy or can't make decisions. I have a stern face. You know when I am not happy.
So, what is the answer at auditions? Do I remain congenial and encouraging or do I get my game face on and try not to give anything away? There is much to be said for both options. I think, at least for now, I will try congenial Claire. I like her more and we get far too many knock backs in this business, nay, this life that if my remaining positive helps me, or anyone else, get through the day it has to be a good thing.
Plus, today was an audition day. I had to dance (don't laugh) in the morning and sing in the afternoon. In between the two I went to Pret for lunch and got my coffee for free as I was in such a good mood. So this congenial lark may not only spread joy it may also make me rich too. Result!
PS I wrote this a couple of weeks ago but forgot to post it. My congenial attitude obviously did not work as I didn't get the job but I will endeavour to be the bigger person and smile through it. Stand by for another post very soon!
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